Yoga & Ayurveda for the Sun’s Movement through Pisces
From February 19th through March 20th, Pisces rules the zodiac scene. Pisces brings a soft and gentle energy and is considered a “water” sign. Water signs are fluid, changeable, and subtle, and they are often associated with emotions and healing.Pisces’ watery vibe...
Yoga & Ayurveda for the Sun’s Movement through Aquarius
Aquarius is the Robin Hood archetype of the Zodiac: the outlaw with a cause. Aquarius represents humanitarian efforts, the higher mind, technology, innovation, surprises, reversals, friendships, groups and communities. Aquarius people can come across as emotionally...
Yoga & Ayurveda for the Sun’s Movement through Capricorn
Capricorn is the sign of the mountain goat, climbing one steady step at a time to the top. It symbolizes responsibility, hard knocks, trials and tribulations, structure, rules and authority. As a Capricorn woman, I will admit that there have been many points in my...