Capricorn is the sign of the mountain goat, climbing one steady step at a time to the top. It symbolizes responsibility, hard knocks, trials and tribulations, structure, rules and authority. As a Capricorn woman, I will admit that there have been many points in my life when I have felt like giving up (just last week in fact); the mountain appears too steep and the progress I’ve made seems minimal. “I will never make it” can become a mantra for Capricorn souls, however the fear of not making it is equally great and so the Capricorn person continues to toil away, and one fine day she steps up onto the mountain peak to embrace and relish in the amazing view that has been so hard earned. A Capricorn person is said to bear the weight of the world on his or her shoulders. The first Astrologer I did a Reading with, many moons ago, admitted to me that he can spot the Capricorns walking around his neighborhood because their shoulders are up high by their ears. Guilty as charged.

When January rolls in and planets move into good ole’ Capricorn the party is over (for now) and it is time to get to work and fill your duties and responsibilities. The house is a wreck from last night’s party and you wake up  with a hangover and a few regrets; you don’t know where to begin, as you stare at the mountain of unwashed dishes, but you must start somewhere.

It’s no coincidence that the Sagittarius holidays and celebrations are followed by “back to work” Capricorn. This may feel like a somber or depressing energy yet, once you get back into the swing of it, it can be a welcome shift back to what is true and “real” (Capricorn represents the “tried and true”); it’s sort of like when you procrastinate doing something important and when you finally get to it, it actually feels liberating and energizing.

When Capricorn and Saturn (Capricorn’s ruling planet) are on the Astro scene, there are usually some obstacles and challenges to face and work through; you must be resourceful, patient, and persistent in order to get through them, but remember, once a Capricorn person has made it to the top of the mountain, this feeling of success is for keeps.

My birthday is January 17th  and, in my younger years, I felt I got the raw end of the stick (this is a common Capricorn sentiment). No one wanted to celebrate. I didn’t really want to either, if I was honest about it. At this point in the year, people are partied out. Capricorn energy lends itself well to hard work, as I’ve noted, and has a serious tone. For this reason, as you are getting back on track in January, you may notice that your mood has plummeted and be in need of a loving and supportive energy to get you through this hump. Rather than going for the comfort food (the last thing your body probably needs after the holidays), commit to extra self-care and love. In general, Capricorns need and thrive on unconditional love, which you must first provide to yourself in order to receive it from others.

I recommend the following Wellness Practices for January: A heat building Yoga Practice (if you practice yoga more regularly), Restorative Yoga (great for anyone), and Self-Massage (AKA Ayurvedic massage), also called Abhyanga.

A “heat building” Yoga practice, for me, consists of Twisting Poses to assist the release of toxins and bring the body/mind into a more balanced state (e.g., Revolved Chair and Revolved Triangle), Standing Poses for strengthening and empowerment (e.g., Warrior 1, 2 & 3), Core-Strengthening poses (such as Dolphin Plank and Side-Plank), and plenty of time for a relaxing Savasana at the end.

yoga ayurveda

Restorative Yoga consists of yoga poses supported by props (e.g., blankets, bolsters, blocks), which make the poses more accessible and very comforting. You will stay in each supported pose for at least 4 to 5 minutes, allowing your body to relax fully; it’s like a massage for the inner body. An example of a Restorative Yoga Pose, which happens to be my favorite, is called Reclining Bound Angle Pose or Supta Baddha Konasana (see photo below):

Lie down, with your belly facing up, on a yoga bolster (or a firm, long pillow may work – you may need to adjust the height so your back is not too arched). I like to place a yoga blanket at the top of the bolster for underneath my head. Slide the soles of your feet together and let your legs/knees relax down toward the floor. Place foam yoga blocks somewhere under your thighs and knees (you can improvise with rolled towels), so that your legs are supported and do not have to work (this pose is about “non-doing”). You can place your hands on your belly or slide your arms a little wider apart and allow your arms on the floor, relaxing your shoulders (it’s nice to place blankets or towels underneath your forearms). It takes a little time to set up the pose, but once you’re in it, I promise, it is well worth the effort. Close your eyes. You can begin by focusing on your breath, slowly coming in through your nose and slowly going out through your nose. When you feel ready, you can let go of control over your breath and spend the next few minutes simply “being.”

Nicole Alexander

Nicole Alexander

Nicole Alexander is a Yoga Teacher, Ayurveda Wellness Counselor, Astrologer, and Writer. She lives and teaches in Westchester County, NY. Visit her website to learn more about her services and offerings:

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Hi, I am Annie Botticelli, Founder & Hostess at Cozy at Sweet Starlight.
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