Note about Horoscopes:
If you also know your Rising Sign/Ascendant, also read the horoscope for that one as it will bring an additional piece to your total astrological picture. If you were born towards the end of the your birth sign, experiment with additionally reading the sign after yours and see if it carries more or additional relevance 🙂
Cancer – September 2023
The Sun brightens your 3rd house of mobility this month bringing a whirlwind of activity. Keeping balance may be a bit tougher this month as your list of activities, events, and other projects builds.

Cancer – August 2023
The Sun rolls through your 2nd house this month bringing great opportunities for making more money. Earned income often sees a boost during this transit.

Cancer – July 2023
Happy Birthday, Cancer friends!! This month brings a massive amount of energy for you to use however you want! With the Sun lighting up your 1st house, and in your own sign, the awesome possibilities burn bright.

Cancer – June 2023
The Sun flows through your 12th house this month bringing great opportunities for finding inner riches, but there is also a catch …

Cancer – May 2023
The Sun lights up your 11th house this month, bringing with it a flurry of social and networking opportunities. Event invites (live and online), will likely roll in, bringing fantastic networking potential and new or deepened friendships and group affiliations.