The Sun brings warmth and focus to your 6th house this month bringing your attention to order and organization.
Streamlining your schedule and improving time management are great areas of focus at this time. Working smarter instead of working harder will carry better outcomes now and strategizing ways to do this can be very fruitful at this time.
Notable occurrences at the office could come up and for both those who are self-employed and those in an office or other employment setting. Issues or opportunities with some link to the past are more likely now.
Employment may be a hot topic at this time. If changes or uncertainty come to your work place, hold open the idea that any changes that come now, even if they feel unwelcome, could place you on a path for greater happiness and fulfillment in the longer term. Your resourcefulness has a chance to soar tremendously at this time and will be amplified the more you focus on it.
Clearing clutter and bringing coherence to your outer and inner realms will be time well-supported at this time. Something fun you can do is play my “Ten Things” game. I created this to help me clear clutter. Every day for a certain amount of time I committed to in advance (1 week, 1 month, etc.) I would make the agreement with myself that I would just have to deal with 10 things that were sitting around out of place. What I found (as you may find) that once I got started (which seems to be the hardest part), I would go well past dealing with only 10 things as momentum was built from the minimum commitment. This is a great exercise when you feel unmotivated, overwhelmed, or are crazy busy 🙂
Speaking of ‘exercise’, the Sun is accentuating your house of exercise and other health regimens this month, too (also 6th house affairs). This energy will likely highlight exercise regimens, diets, practitioners, treatments, routines, etc.
New health issues or ones from the past may resurface now or become more obvious to give attention to. You may make some important health discoveries or find solutions at any time this month. This is a time when diagnostics and other things to get down into the details of your health, healing, and exercise and diet regimen come into the forefront. Stress management may come into the forefront as a necessity or as a preventative measure. You may be drawn to make healthy lifestyle changes now.
The 6th house also rules pets and some other animals so you might find yourself focused in that area of life. A pet may need some attention at this time or you may have more time or interest in focusing attention to your furry or feathered ones.
December 2021 has four major aspects/transits to note: A solar eclipse in Sagittarius, Venus in retrograde, the third clash of Saturn Square Uranus, and Jupiter moving into Pisces. While the retrograde will bring things from the past back in to focus, the other aspects can bring in many new opportunities and themes of experience. Check out my Youtube channel for details about all of these may affect your sign.
Venus has a lot of areas of rulership: love, relationships, money, finances, design, self-esteem, and more. While many news things will likely come in this month from the other aspects and transits occurring, this retrograde tends to bring our focus back to the past or in a state of enjoyment of or working with things we have already created. If you have to make any decisions or take any big steps in the areas of love, money, design (including physical procedures), you really need to be informed on the Do’s and Donts of this transit! You can get up to speed on this in my special video on the topic and my Venus retrograde through the signs and houses series.
The same three signs energies are brought into the forefront in December as we had last month: Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn.
Strong Scorpio energies add deeper dimensions to the relationship stories evolving now and also bring focus to shared finances, loans, debt, taxes, government or other support. The water sign brings high emotion and potentials for major psychological discoveries and healing.
Strong Sagittarius influences bring the topics of writing, publishing, travel, immigration, international relations, adventures, teaching, and learning into the forefront.
Venus in Capricorn (for a very extended time into March 2022 due to the retrograde) brings focus on business, strategy, financial planning and other topics of finance, employment, and implementing systems for now and the future.
Eclipse season continues as we have the second eclipse of the season. The new cycle of Taurus/Scorpio eclipses will start to show their trends and this runs from now through the end of 2023. The ending of the Sagittarius/Gemini eclipse cycle that started around March 2020 and runs through early January 2021 will bring a great wrap-up of the energies that started at that time. Eclipses tend to bring non-negotiable changes and shifts to trajectories as monumental goodbyes, and brilliant hello’s enter our experience.
Saturn Square Uranus is a MAJOR aspect! It is rare for two outer planets to be in connection and when it happens, it usually spans a long time, this time around we are feeling this one from 2021 – 2022. Freedom vs enslavement and tradition vs. innovation are two polarities brought up by the transit. See an in-depth discussion about this transit on my YouTube video on the topic.
If you would love to know more about this month, including all the ‘sweet’ and ‘salty’ dates for the month, all the major planetary aspects, and what they might bring, then sign up for my free email newsletter at: or scroll to the bottom of this page.
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If your birthday is late in the sign (or if you are reading for your rising sign and have a late degree) this report will start to be relevant for you towards the end of the month, for earlier in the month you many find that the Leo Horoscope is more relevant for you.
Don’t have enough time to read? Then you will love Audible, where you can listen to awesome books while you other things 🙂
Want more info about what this month has in store? Get a full write-up, one month early, delivered into your inbox, with all the sweet and salty aspects, how they could manifest, and other must-knows for the month, when you sign up for my free email newsletter (scroll down to the bottom of any page on this site to sign up).
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Want more in-depth info about the astrological picture each month? Go to my YouTube channel for monthly video horoscopes for each sign and sign up for Cozy updates which include an in-depth monthly write up for the general transits - one month early!
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How to Align with the Natural Rhythms of the Universe
written by Annie Botticelli
published by Watkins Media, UK,
with Penguin Random House facilitating worldwide distribution