As a spiritual coach to millennial clients, 28-35 years of age, one of the more persistent issues that comes up time and time again is anxiety and uncertainty. Most have big audacious career goals, family planning stressors and are simply seeking to live more holistically both inside and out. I have an affinity for this generation whose reputation is based upon the fact that they grew up during the digital/technological age where life was instant, quick and at their fingertips. I’ve found that although the technology age may exacerbate the issue, one of the main contributors to their sentiment is quite simple- many lack basic life skills and the awareness of the cycles of life. Most have a strong desire to be ambitious, moving towards what makes them happy but not recognizing that their are “obstacles to conquer in order to gain rewards” no matter your nationality, gender, race or religion. Anxiety and stress are an equal opportunity employer.
When I receive inquiries for spiritual coaching, my clients have come to a point in their lives where the traditional way of handling their issues or continuing to bury their heads in the sand regarding physical and mental wellness just isn’t working and are seeking some form of reprieve. I oftentimes get asked a version of this question during my introductory consultation: “What exactly is meditation and how can I implement it?” After a somewhat lengthy banter on what their yoga teacher says, what the article in Mindful Magazine pointed out or seeing their favorite Instagram influencer mention it in his/her latest post, we almost always conclude with one word, ALIGNMENT.
In my opinion, operating with a more mindful and present state of being means that you are committed to discovering and aligning with your higher purpose. Alignment simply means taking responsibility for your emotions, actions, thoughts and desires. One key principle that I tout often to my clients is the idea that “you create our own reality” and if you are experiencing obstacles that are restrictive or holding you back in some way then you have the responsibility to change it. As we dive deeper into each session, introspection and clarity begins to take shape. I specialize in uncovering chakra blockages, which show up as matters of the heart and mind that have been left unattended like a garden of overgrown weeds. This is where the real work begins as I am able to shine a light on the root of the issue to help influence healing. My role in the process as a spiritual coach is to assist and encourage you in a positive way so that you can continue on with your life journey equipped with skills that you can build upon.
Below are a few simple words of encouragement to help promote growth and healing during your own spiritual practice.
1. Identify what your life “feels” like- not just the way it looks on the outside. Spend time with your thoughts to see what bubbles to the surface.
2. Work towards mastering the art of self love. Understanding that as adults, we are responsible for our own healing and no one can do the work for us.
3. Be kind to yourself and others. Kindness is free and should be sprinkled everywhere.
4. Growth begins internally and manifests outwardly.
It may seem as if others can add to, or take from who you are, yet at the end of the day, what you have and who you are is based entirely on your thoughts, beliefs, and your ability to surrender.

Ashley Freeman
- Intuitive Energy Advisor & Coach
- Founder of
- Assisting millennials in reducing anxiety and coming to terms with mental health struggles by utilizing general astrology practices
- Currently enrolled in Annie Botticelli’s astrology apprenticeship certification program