Capricorn – April 2020
The Sun whirls through your 4th house this month bringing focus on home, real estate, and home-based ventures. The desire to spruce up or organize home may be strong at this time. This can be an amazing time for researching big design, building, decorating projects,...
Capricorn – March 2020
The Sun brightens your 3rd house of mobility this month bringing a whirlwind of activity. Keeping balance may be a bit tougher this month as your list of activities, events, and other projects builds. The 3rd house rules travel so you may find yourself on the road...
Capricorn – February 2020
The Sun rolls through your 2nd house this month bringing great opportunities for making more money. Earned income often sees a boost during this transit. If you have money-making ideas or anything related to business goals, this could be a great time to take steps...