Happy Birthday, Capricorn friends!! This month brings a massive amount of energy for you to use however you want! With the Sun lighting up your 1st house, and in your own sign, the awesome possibilities burn bright. This is a time for rebirth and you can maximize your new chapters by taking the time to go within and figure out what you really want. Birthday wishes are real and you get 10 of them! Write them down, say them out loud, and most importantly, FEEL them as if they have already come true. You can phrase them something like this: I am so grateful that my desire for …… has been fulfilled in a magical way! This method employs the energy of desire that is true to the transit and focuses on the fulfillment, not the lack of, which is the absolute key to manifestation. You can see more about this in my video, Making Wishes Come True Using Astrological Power Periods.
The 1st house that is highlighted for you now is all about what you put out into the world/how the world sees you. Are you doing things that match how you want to be received? If not, how can you change aspects of your life where there is a disconnect to create coherence between what you want to be seen as and how you are showing up.
Often the Sun’s movement through this house brings attention to you. It could throw you into the limelight bringing in recognition and/or an increase in awareness of you and your work or other projects.
This house also rules your physical body so getting into or back into a daily physical routine is imperative. Balancing mental activity with physical movement is an important way to open up to inspiration and keep yourself healthy and mentally and emotionally clear.
At the same time as daily movement (walking, yoga, tai chi, etc.) is helpful for focus and reaching goals. Complementary stillness of mind and body through meditation is helps to use your actions most efficiently.
Even something simple like 20 minutes of physical exercise and 5-10 minutes of daily meditation can do a world of wondrous good 🙂
If you have physical ailments, the Sun’s placement in the 1st house could bring new insights. Feelings not felt, expressed with spiritual accountability, and cleared, turn into physical pain in your body. Finding the balance between getting things out that you are feeling, without talking too much about the same thing over and over or participating in avoidance behaviors is your mission 🙂 Symptoms from the past may resurface for further attention.
Having a daily way to cleanse your emotional field from things you tend to try to ‘work away’ is critical for your happiness and health. I love Marriage of Spirit by Leslie Temple Thurston exercises in Section 2 of the book for this (see below).
I also really love barefoot walking (which is also amazing for detoxifying) or holding your third eye and hands up on a tree (in colder weather that isn’t conducive to being barefoot) to help clear your field and balance your energy field. You will be surprised at the wonders this simple practice could bring when done consistently. The Earth frequency is very balancing to the human energy field and has been mitigated in more modern times because of the plastic and rubber shoe bottoms which block the energy from permeating the energy field in deeper ways.
Getting back to focusing on your breath will be another big piece for your best, happiest, and healthiest life 🙂
The second of two powerful eclipses comes January 10, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 20° of Cancer. HUGE news and MAJOR changes are very likely!!
From December 9, 2019 through through February 2, 2020 is one of the best, most wide open launch periods until 2021. Big launches, major decisions, huge steps, important plans, are all perfect for this window. So take advantage of this window for ACTION and FORWARD MOVEMENT! The rest of 2020 as we move into February is more focused inward and backward because of the string of personal planet retrogrades (Venus, Mars, and 3 Mercury).
There will be a couple of open points amidst the retrograde wall, the last few days of March 2020 and first week or so of April 2020 and a few days towards the end of July 2020 represent an energetic ‘coming up for air’ so you can set your sights on these times for important things that can’t be implemented sooner. After that, it will be December 2020 before there is any wearing off of the retrograde focus, and even that month is completely covered in Mars post-retrograde shadow period.
Do keep in mind that retrogrades can be awesome for many things but for the big, never been done, launches, clarity and big decisions, the times when the personal planets are in direct motion tend to be better for launching your ships of dreams.
If your birthday is late in the sign (or if you are reading for your rising sign and have a late degree) this report will start to be relevant for you towards the end of the month, for earlier in the month you many find that the Aquarius Horoscope is more relevant for you.
Great reads for Capricorn this month:
Don’t have enough time to read? Then you will love Audible, where you can listen to awesome books while you other things 🙂
If you would love a live reading with Annie to get her insights about your personal chart go here!
If you would love to learn to read Natal, Progressed, Solar, Solar Return and Transit charts plus so much more for your personal study and self-development or to do astrology professionally, check out my Astrology Apprenticeship Program!
Want more in-depth info about the astrological picture each month? Go to my YouTube channel for monthly video horoscopes for each sign and sign up for Cozy updates which include an in-depth monthly write up for the general transits - one month early!
My YouTube channel has had over 15 million views, growing daily. Check out my channel, “Annie Botticelli”, where you can see the video versions of my horoscope podcasts plus so much more.