The Sun makes its movement through Pisces every year from around February 19th through around March 21st.
By focusing on key energies of Pisces during the time of the Sun’s transit, we can better use the energetic potentials available to us.
One such theme for Pisces is QUIET TIME. By focusing on rest, retreat, quiet time, meditation, and the dream world at this time of year we can help bring more stillness and balance year-round.
Here are some great aims for best using quiet time when the Sun is in Pisces and carrying beyond this time:
~ Restructure Your Nervous System ~
In a crazy, fast-paced, overstimulating world our nervous systems are under more pressure and assault than ever.
EMF’s (Electro-Magnetic Frequencies) from technology (yes, even phones) interrupt circadian rhythms and negatively affect the human energy system on all levels in other ways.
I love this time for:
1. Adding extra daily rest to your to-do list
2. Unplugging from technology completely, even if it is for short periods of time (shutting devices and routers off to receive EMF burden).
Try to keep router out of the bedroom if possible, if it must be in the bedroom put it as far away from sleeping people and animals as possible.
Putting a plant in front of a router wherever it is, can help to mitigate the EMF’s. I know this to be true because my husband and I have scientifically tested this for ourselves with devices that measure EMF’s.
Even if you have a plant by the router, if you can shut off routers at night, fantastic!
Avoid devices at least 2 hours or more before bedtime and try to keep device contact in shorter spurts to help balance the effects.
Standing barefoot outside or putting hands and third eye up to a tree can help to bring the Earth frequency into you field more to help balance out the other frequencies.
3. Become more aware of daily stressors and take steps towards lessening them.
4. I LOVE Network Chiropractic to help you restructure HOW you process stress ( you can search online for practitioners near you).
~ Connecting to Internal/Divine Wisdom ~
I love this time for:
1. Quiet time inside or out in nature
2. Meditation
3. Focusing on dreamtime awarenesses
4. Using Divination tools to support your personal journey
5. Angelic Channeling – ask your Angels and Guides what messages they have for you and write down or speak the answers that you feel roll through you
~ Creative Expression ~
I love this time for Art & Poetry – doing it yourself or experiences that of another
I hope you this month helps you bring more peace, emotional, and spiritual connection into your life 🙂
~ Annie
If you would love to learn to read Natal, Progressed, Solar, Solar Return and Transit charts plus so much more for your personal study and self-development or to do astrology professionally, check out my Astrology Apprenticeship Program!

Annie Botticelli
Annie Botticelli is a Radical Self-Development Mentor, Founder/Teacher at Luminous Life Multiversity and Astaria School of Practical Magic, Inspirational Speaker, YouTube Personality, Astrologer, Author, Blogger, Founder/Alchemist at Consciousness Blossoms (Organic Bath & Body Products), and Founder/Hostess at and
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