What’s scarier than ghosts and ghouls at Halloween? Or the prospect of yet another Thanksgiving with your crazy aunt Helen who drinks too much sherry while cooking? Dry and lifeless skin, of course! You are in luck though because one of our favorite fall must haves can be turned into a simple and easy to do DIY facial mask. That is right, I am talking about pumpkins!!! Pumpkins are not just great for carving and yummy pies. They are also packed full of vitamins that will brighten and soften the skin, resurface the skin by naturally exfoliating dead, flaky skin, reduce the look of fine lines, wrinkles and age spots. This mask is a great way to treat yourself to an at home spa day. As we all know, self-care is what makes up the core of our foundation. This Yummy Pumpkin Brightening Mask is the perfect mask for those cold, snowy days or even sunny, lazy days during the fall season. It is not just the awesome nutrients in pumpkin that we are getting, we are also getting the healing properties of Organic Honey and Organic plain Greek Yogurt as well. Honey acts as a binding agent it has natural antimicrobials, is a natural moisturizer, and hydrator that does not clog pores. While Plain Organic Greek Yogurt is a natural anti-inflammatory, which assists with anti-aging. Inflammation is one of the first enemies of creating aging skin. This is a great mask to do alone, or with friends or family. Now that we have discussed some awesome qualities of this fabulous DIY Yummy Pumpkin Brightening Mask, let’s get on to the recipe:
2 cups of Organic Puree Pumpkin which can be found in the baking isle. Or 2 cups fresh Pumpkin
4 TBSP of Organic Greek Yogurt
4 TBSP of Organic Honey
It is not a must that you use organic, but it definitely is better in my opinion. Also, you are free to use fresh pumpkin if you have the time and do not mind the mess! Make sure that you have clean hands, it is up to you if you would like to mix this by hand, or if you would rather use a blender, if using a blender make sure not to over blend. This will need to be a thicker consistency. Be sure to combine and mix all the ingredients thoroughly. After you have mixed all ingredients, you can apply this mask with your fingers, or a clean makeup brush of your choice. Make sure that you have cleansed your face thoroughly. If are a fan of toner, make sure to go ahead and tone the face before as well. It is a great idea to also go ahead and get into your comfy, cozy clothes too! Leave this mask on for about 10-15 minutes, and then rinse with warm water and a clean cloth. This is a great time to start that new book you have put off, or make your favorite warm drink while catching up on your favorite YouTuber. This mask is such a great mask because it is ALL organic, and it is the perfect match for all skin types! After you have washed off the mask, feel free to go ahead with your regular night-time skin routine to really lock in that hydration and moisture that you just added from the mask. Night-time is the ideal time for these masks, or as I mentioned above a lazy day where you can go ahead with night-time skin routines. So, that is it! This simple 3 ingredient mask is an awesome way to hydrate, moisturize, reduce inflammation, and fight those pesky wrinkles. I hope that everyone enjoys this mask! I will be blogging more DIY masks soon.
Written by: Chandra McDevitt

Chandra McDevitt
Chandra McDevitt specializes in Self-Development Coaching and Spiritual Teaching. She has the ability to intuitively channel through mediumship and being an empath when working with clients. She teaches through integrity, an open mind, and a loving heart. She is a guiding light for those who have a willingness to be brave enough to write the best story of their lives. Chandra encourages souls to own their truth and greatest expression. She is a motivator for those who seek expansion of the mind, body, and soul. Be sure to check out all of Chandra’s offerings and more blogs like this one at www.http//yourbravesoul.com. You can also connect with Chandra on her Facebook page Your Brave Soul where she gives free weekly live guidance readings and on YouTube under Chandra McDevitt.