The Sun rolls through your 2nd house this month bringing great opportunities for making more money. Earned income often sees a boost during this transit. If you have money-making ideas or anything related to business goals, this could be a great time to research or take big or small or steps along your continuum.
Finances could definitely see some improvements and also note that spending also tends to increase during this transit, too. So while you see the increase in the amount coming it will likely translate to an increase in the amount going out, especially if you don’t specifically make an effort to not have your spending rise with your income. If you put aside a certain percentage of your new increased income, you will likely be glad you did.
In situations where finances are challenged, the Suns presence can help you supercharge your resourcefulness and find solutions in expected and unexpected places. Keeping your scope wide as you look for answers could help in finding resolutions that could wind up even better than before.
Sometimes the Sun moving through this house brings information or insight about blocks to financial prosperity. Seeing the issue(s) more clearly can help to bring resolution. Some work may have to be donee other strategy to help increase extra income and the usage of income that comes in is very prudent now. Setting financial goals and getting educated or having other support to reach them can make your money dreams a reality in the future and work you did on this topic in the past could come to fruition now in a big way.
The urge to buy luxury or more expensive items may be strong now. This transit could bring in your ideal high ticket item that you have been wanting or it could bring you clarity about what you want, which will help you draw it to you. Study about buying high-ticket items in retrogrades to best align your efforts. Search online for Annie Botticelli and Mercury retrograde, and Annie Botticelli Mars retrograde to find my work on these topics to better understand what there is to know about this topic.
The Sun in this sector also brings opportunities to re-evaluate your value system. What is most important to you in your life? Is the amount of time you are spending on those most important things in the right ratio compared to their importance to you? Asking bigger questions about things like this now will lead to valuable insights.
The sector of your chart highlighted now also has to do with sustainability on any and all levels. Asking questions about your imprint and sustainability of your lifestyle is well-favored now. Taking measures to conserve or live lighter and more simply may be topics that come into the forefront.
It is interesting that this same house that rules luxury items also rules simple living. Rolling around in the possibilities of this spectrum is what is being brought up now. Some who have been living with a lot of excess may be drawn to pare down, and some who have been living with the bare essentials may be drawn to expand their interactions with the material realm. Either way that feels true to you is perfect 🙂
Your self-value translated out into the material realm is also a major topic with this transit. Your earning power may be your most valuable asset. It may be time to think about how to invest in your earning power as your greatest investment.
October 2022 steps into the heat of the last eclipse season of the year! The bubbling up of manifestations from the Scorpio Solar Eclipse at 2° on October 25 and Taurus Lunar Eclipse at 16° on November 8 are likely to start to surface even in September as “eclipse season” begins around 4-6 weeks BEFORE the actual eclipses start. Eclipse season tends to bring non-negotiable endings, exciting new beginnings, profound spiritual transformation, and surprising trajectory shifts. Drama, anxiety, insomnia, and feelings of profound changes afoot are all things that we tend to experience more notably as eclipse season deepens.
Big news and changes to finances and relationships are increased for all signs. See my Youtube horoscopes (or syndicated podcast, Astro Kisses with Annie Botticelli) for October and November 2022 to see additional sign-specific manifestations.
The tides are now strongly flowing inward and backward as we are both finishing Mercury retrograde AND officially starting Mars retrograde this month (with the Mars retro officially starting October 30). Dealing with things that come in to you on the tides, clearing up unfinished business, editing or revising, and leaving space for last minute magic. Leaving yourself as unscheduled as possible helps you to leave room for sudden surprise opportunities ( I like to call this “Last-Minute Magic”) that tend to arise during the retro times.
Libra and Scorpio energies both bring focus to the partnership sectors for all signs. The questions and answers to what is on your mind right now may have important pieces within people close to you and others who may come in at this time. Issues or sweetness can come back from the past, you may not to pick which comes in but it is of utmost important to deal with what comes to you instead of trying to force progress in any area of life. Finances, including shared money (like with spouse, partner, government, institution, etc) are also a top priority.
Mars in Gemini brings fun relief in your busy schedule and just enough distraction for you to return refreshed to your list of things to do. If you are a writer or are otherwise creating spoken, written, or other crafts, you will be highly creative and soar through your projects. Working in short spurts might help you to be the most productive.
If you would love to know more about this month, including all the ‘sweet’ and ‘salty’ dates for the month, all the major planetary aspects, and what they might bring, then sign up for my free email newsletter at: or scroll to the bottom of this page.
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If your birthday is late in the sign (or if you are reading for your rising sign and have a late degree) this report will start to be relevant for you towards the end of the month, for earlier in the month you many find that the Libra Horoscope is more relevant for you.
Great reads for Virgo this month:
Don’t have enough time to read? Then you will love Audible, where you can listen to awesome books while you other things 🙂
Want more info about what this month has in store? Get a full write-up, one month early, delivered into your inbox, with all the sweet and salty aspects, how they could manifest, and other must-knows for the month, when you sign up for my free email newsletter (scroll down to the bottom of any page on this site to sign up).
Want lots more juicy details about what is in store for Virgo? Access Annie’s podcast, “Astro Kisses” here …
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How to Align with the Natural Rhythms of the Universe
written by Annie Botticelli
published by Watkins Media, UK,
with Penguin Random House facilitating worldwide distribution