The Sun lights up your 11th house this month, bringing with it a flurry of social and networking opportunities. Event invites (live and online), will likely roll in, bringing fantastic networking potential and new or deepened friendships and group affiliations. It is a great time to be out (or in) and connecting with others. Key new relationships may come in at this time and also people from the past could come return.
This transit also favors group and team activities of all kinds. Whether you are the leader of the group or an invitee, power is in numbers for you this month. Getting to better understand social media as it relates to you or your business interests is a great idea right now.
Checking up on internet and communication security and privacy is a great idea now. You may be surprised to see what information is public that you don’t want to be that way. Appropriately adjusting privacy settings and securing document and device back-up are top on my list for you now.
This is a great time to evaluate and appropriately tweak your relationship with technology and social media. There may be opportunities to address issues with your relationship to friends, social circles, and social media at this time and you may decide to take a break from some of it. This is a great time for that but do stay open to other ways Spirit is trying to connect you with others at this time since this time holds such great potential for important connections with people who may hold keys to your goals.
The topic of online dating or people you know trying to set you up with someone. Also, someone you know may try to connect you with someone for other reasons besides dating, like a work-related project or something else you need help with or that you could help someone with.
The dating scene could be very lively now. While the energies are stronger for people from the past coming back in a notable way, there is a chance also for new options to come in at this time.
Community events and projects and networking (in person or online) may also take center stage. This is a fantastic time to connect with people with whom you find resonance and discuss the possibilities of working together for a shared vision in the future. If a friend or acquaintance wants to offer to connect you with someone they think can help you, it may be perfect to say yes! It is a fine time for experiments and discussions about future plans. For implementation of BIG things, major commitments, and anything intended to be long-term, the stars may be more clear starting around the second week of December and running through the beginning of February.
This area accentuated for you this month rules inventions and forward-thinking/futuristic ideas. It can be a fantastic time for researching and securing copyrights, patents, and other things like this.
Internet-based projects are in this sector, too, and many an online connection will pop up. If you have been needing to up your internet presence or make your burst into online work, website launches, or anything like this, this month is great for working in the back drop or experimenting with shifts to things you already are doing. Edits and updates are great all month and for BIG launches, I love the time between around December 9, ALL OF JANUARY, through early February. If you need reliable and affordable website/design work, connect with Andrej Varga to see if he can help 🙂
The 11th house is also the house of your BIG DREAMS, not the ones you have at night, but the ones you have for the future. When the Sun lights up this sector of your chart, it is called your Granddaddy Power Period and you get 40 wishes! (according to brilliant astrologer, Jan Spiller)
Write them down, say them out loud, and most importantly, FEEL them as if they have already come true. You can create your wish something like this ~ I am so glad that this ….. (add in the thing you desire) has come to fruition in a magical way. This puts the focus on the wish ALREADY HAVE COME TRUE which helps your subconscious mind to create it so 🙂
The second of two powerful eclipses comes January 10, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 20° of Cancer. HUGE news and MAJOR changes are very likely!!
From December 9, 2019 through through February 2, 2020 is one of the best, most wide open launch periods until 2021. Big launches, major decisions, huge steps, important plans, are all perfect for this window. So take advantage of this window for ACTION and FORWARD MOVEMENT! The rest of 2020 as we move into February is more focused inward and backward because of the string of personal planet retrogrades (Venus, Mars, and 3 Mercury).
There will be a couple of open points amidst the retrograde wall, the last few days of March 2020 and first week or so of April 2020 and a few days towards the end of July 2020 represent an energetic ‘coming up for air’ so you can set your sights on these times for important things that can’t be implemented sooner. After that, it will be December 2020 before there is any wearing off of the retrograde focus, and even that month is completely covered in Mars post-retrograde shadow period.
Do keep in mind that retrogrades can be awesome for many things but for the big, never been done, launches, clarity and big decisions, the times when the personal planets are in direct motion tend to be better for launching your ships of dreams.
If your birthday is late in the sign (or if you are reading for your rising sign and have a late degree) this report will start to be relevant for you towards the end of the month, for earlier in the month you many find that the Aries Horoscope is more relevant for you.
Great reads for Pisces this month:
Don’t have enough time to read? Then you will love Audible, where you can listen to awesome books while you other things 🙂
If you would love a live reading with Annie to get her insights about your personal chart go here!
If you would love to learn to read Natal, Progressed, Solar, Solar Return and Transit charts plus so much more for your personal study and self-development or to do astrology professionally, check out my Astrology Apprenticeship Program!
Want more in-depth info about the astrological picture each month? Go to my YouTube channel for monthly video horoscopes for each sign and sign up for Cozy updates which include an in-depth monthly write up for the general transits - one month early!
My YouTube channel has had over 15 million views, growing daily. Check out my channel, “Annie Botticelli”, where you can see the video versions of my horoscope podcasts plus so much more.