The Sun whirls through your 4th house this month bringing focus on home, real estate, and home-based ventures.
The desire to spruce up or organize home may be strong at this time. This can be an amazing time for researching big design, building, decorating projects, and doing basic maintenance, repair and easy to change sprucing. This could also be a great time for big projects! Things that were moving slowly before could really pick up now!
This is also a fantastic month for cozying up at home. A fun project at this time is to do some Feng Shui treatments to your home. Deep cleaning, clearing clutter, and reorganizing is also in great alignment now.
Since the Sun lighting up your 4th house also means your family sector is lit up, if you are traveling this month, it is likely be to visit family or to a place that was or feels like ‘home’ or you may have family come visit you.
Family fun could enter center stage. Equally as likely could be family drama. Tread lightly on trigger topics with family and feel into doing work to dissolve your own triggers.
Topics of home, homes and housing will likely be very hot at this time. Life-changing events may be in store regarding these topics.
If you have real estate investments or are wanting to sell or buy a home, this month will likely bring much activity in this sector. Big news in these departments could come in now.
The 4th house is also the sector of childhood psychology, so things that happened as a child that are affecting your current situation (like patterns in relationship or elsewhere, that recreate circumstances that made you feel the same way you did when you were a child). The Sun in this position can light up things that are right and can also make more clear things that need improvement. If important actions have to be made working on the inner planes, there is much support at this time. If you feel ready to stop the patterns that have been holding you back, you can find great resources and make great headway now. Inner work is awesome at any time this month.
Diving deep into research about your ancestry, genetic testing, and anything else related to the past and your family carries great support now.
May brings us into the heat of eclipse season, which is known for radical changes, dramatic endings, and brilliant new beginnings. Eclipses in the Sagittarius/Gemini polarity, as we have this month with a Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius at 5°, and next month, June 10 a Solar Eclipse at 19° of Gemini, tend to activate travel, move along publishing projects, bring focus to transportation and communication (and their devices or modes), and highlight topics of teaching and learning methods and plans of education. I will give you more details about the changes to expect for each sign in my Youtube videos and Astro Kisses with Annie Botticelli podcasts for May and June 2021.
The first half of May (like through May 15th) is very different than the second half. The first half is open from personal planet retrogrades and this period holds great promise for major decisions, oomph for launches, and zesty forward movement. From around May 16th on, we descend into Mercury retrograde energies which bring us more inward and backward. Things that seemed certain like plans and agreements, are more likely to get called into question as the month progresses. Things planned could still work out, but usually tests or uncertainty will come first. Adopting an attitude of flexibility and commitment to going along for the ride, can make for some surprisingly great experience or fun splashing in the puddles of rain that may fall on your planned parade.
If you would love to know all the ‘sweet’ and ‘salty’ dates for the month, all the major planetary aspects, and what they might bring, then sign up for my free email newsletter at:
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If your birthday is late in the sign (or if you are reading for your rising sign and have a late degree) this report will start to be relevant for you towards the end of the month, for earlier in the month you many find that the Pisces Horoscope is more relevant for you.
Great reads for Aquarius this month:
Don’t have enough time to read? Then you will love Audible, where you can listen to awesome books while you other things 🙂
Want more info about what this month has in store? Get a full write-up, one month early, delivered into your inbox, with all the sweet and salty aspects, how they could manifest, and other must-knows for the month, when you sign up for my free email newsletter (scroll down to the bottom of any page on this site to sign up).
Want lots more juicy details about what is in store for Aquarius? Access Annie’s podcast, “Astro Kisses” here …
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If you would love to learn to read Natal, Progressed, Solar, Solar Return and Transit charts plus so much more for your personal study and self-development or to do astrology professionally, check out my comprehensive Astrology Certification Course ~ Become a Professional Astrologer Mastery Program
Want to start with the basics? Check out my course that teaches you to read basic charts in 6 easy steps.
Want more in-depth info about the astrological picture each month?
Go to Annie’s YouTube channel for monthly video horoscopes for each sign and sign up for Cozy Updates which include an in-depth monthly write up for the general transits – one month early!
How to Align with the Natural Rhythms of the Universe
written by Annie Botticelli
published by Watkins Media, UK,
with Penguin Random House facilitating worldwide distribution