One of my kiddos, Avie, is a natural in the kitchen. As small as she is, there on her stepstool, she is quite “The Food Fairy”. Every morning she rushes to her step stool to create something wonderful, often picking things from the garden to include in her creations.
One of her favorite creations is Fruit Salad. She often adds several different kinds of mints from our garden, but this morning she really surprised us when she added dill, parsley, and cilantro to the Fruit Salad!
It had never occurred to me to use those specific herbs this way! So I was inspired to share her idea with you in the form of this blog.
Here is her recipe for Sassy Fruit Salad, feel free to add your own fruit combo:
~ Bananas (she got these from our garden but you can get them from anywhere 🙂 )
~ Blackberries
~ Raspberries
~ Strawberries
~ Parsley
~ Dill
~ Cilantro
All the fruit was cut into small chunks and the herbs were finely diced. All of the herbs and fruit were organic in her original recipe but feel free to modify as appropriate for your situation.
Avie also is know for adding edible flowers to her creations. Among her favorite she plucks from the garden are Nasturtiums and Marigolds.

Avie the Food Fairy
Photo by: BR Neumann,