Yoga for the Sun’s Movement through Virgo
Virgo is considered an earth sign and so is akin to Capricorn and Taurus. But where Capricorn is Cardinal and Taurus is Fixed, Virgo is Mutable or in older astrology terms, Flexed. It holds the position of transition between a Fixed season sign and a Cardinal season...
Yoga for the Sun’s Movement Through Leo
The Sun in astrology rules the self and is the planet that rules the sign of Leo. The Sun’s nature is hot, dry, masculine and life-giving. According to Llewellyn George, this planet represents radiant health, the vital principle, general prosperity, high office,...
Yoga for the Sun’s Movement through Cancer
Here we are at the midpoint of the year. The solstice on June 21 is the time when the North Pole of the earth will be tilted toward the Sun, and reaches its northernmost position in the sky directly over the Tropic of Cancer at 23.44 degrees north latitude. This is...